Apparently the aide was fired, but the IEP teacher was simply moved to a new school. THIS IS APPALLING. There is absolutely no excuse for a teacher, a person who is supposed to be an INSPIRATION and a ROLE MODEL, to be bullying a child. None. This sickens me. Tenure or not, she deserves to be removed from her position. To call a special needs child (ANY child) “a bastard” is unforgivable. My head cannot wrap around the fact that a grown ass adult was able to viciously and verbally attack a student in such a way. This is sick, and she deserves all the wrath that comes her way.
It is crazy the words that people are able to say behind closed doors, with the belief that such words will never get out. I have so much respect for Stuart Chaifetz. He did not sit idly by; his outspokenness has brought so much attention to this truly heinous situation. What happened to compassion and providing a nurturing learning environment? Bullying has recently been brought to the forefront of this discussion for both public and private schools, but I would never have thought that teachers would be active participants in this truly disgusting behavior.
Chaifetz created a petition to NJ Legislation urging lawmakers to impose zero tolerance when it comes to teacher-student bullying. You can sign it here. Akian and no other child should ever be subjected to such disgusting behavior. He deserves a public apology so that one day, he can look back and know that he did absolutely wrong. No child deserves such heartless treatment.